Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best ones. I saw a friend using one of these at our kids' soccer game, and ordered my own. This makes anchoring your umbrella in the ground trivially easy, and has both vertical and angled holders for different times of day, or to have 2 umbrellas at once. The fact that there are 2 stakes makes it stable, and the fact that you can step on it to drive it into the ground is a little stroke of genius. It works very well on grassy fields regardless of dry/wet/hard/soft issues. I haven't tried it out on sand yet, but I would think it would require firm sand to work well. It is very sturdy and I expect that my son will be using it to watch his son play soccer some day.
I was satisfied with what I paid on Amazon, given the ease of ordering and quick shipping, but have since seen it cheaper at a local hardware store.
Click Here to see more reviews about: The Original Umbrella Stand - Use Anywhere, Sand or Grass, Easy to Use, Color is Navy Blue with Thumbscrews
Product Description:
The Original Umbrella Stands is a go-and-use anywhere beach umbrella holder. Effective in eliminating the hassles associated with umbrella use at the field, or at the beach. Tens of thousands of parents watch their children on countless soccer, football, baseball, softball, field hockey, and other fields around the country. Likewise, hundreds of thousands seek relief from direct sun at America's beaches. Beach Umbrellas are popular at both venues and the hassles are the same.... keeping the umbrella in place. Only The Original Umbrella Stand works well both at the beach, and at the field. Whether windy, soft sand or hard grass, The Original Umbrella Stand holds up like no others. Now comes with Thumbscrews to secure your umbrella! Durable, lasts for years.
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